A creative ❤ non-profit organization combating ✖ mis- and disinformation.

⚛ Science-backed prebunking technique

✨ Ai-powered creative approach

💪 Minds psychologically vaccinated through inoculation theory


Sponsors will be announced soon


How Prebunking Works?

Prebunking is a technique that prepares people in advance for potential manipulation attempts.
By forewarning audiences, prebunking helps them recognize and resist such tactics when encountered.

  • Prebunking
    in three-part

    Prebunking messages that utilize the principles of inoculation theory typically follow a three-part structure:

  • service-icon-black-2 service-icon-orange-1

    1. Emotional Warning

    Users are alerted to impending attempts to manipulate them.

  • service-icon-black-3 service-icon-orange-3

    2. Micro-dose

    Users see example(s) of manipulative messaging.

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    3. Refutation

    Users are equipped to spot and refute a manipulative message.


Psychologically Vaccinated Minds

"Prebunking is built on inoculation theory, which was developed in the 1960s by social psychologist William McGuire, and designed to be used as a psychological vaccine for brainwash."

"Just as weakened exposure to a pathogen triggers antibody production, inoculation theory posits that pre-emptively exposing people to a weakened persuasive argument builds people’s resistance against future manipulation."
More Research


Save the Truth

We are a creative NGO dedicated to preventing the spread of misinformation about elections, health, climate and other important issues.

Through innovative campaigns and engaging content, we empower people to recognize and resist deceptive narratives before they take root, fostering a more resilient and informed society in all over the world.

  • check-circle
    Inoculative Creative Content
  • check-circle
    Advertising Campaigns
  • check-circle
    AI-Powered Projects
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    Research & Publications

Our First Project:

The Enchanted Realm of Valoria

✨ AI-written fantasy novel 📖 aims to inoculate readers' minds against the most common disinformation tactics.

⌛ Coming soon as a Free eBook.

⏳ New projects are also on the way.

    Our Goal

  • 20+

  • 200M+


Make A Donation

Become A Truth Ambassador

  • Backer

    We are an Open Collective with full transparency.
    Your name will also be listed on our Open Collective page.

    €5/Per month

    You can support the truth from as little as €5 per month.

    ✔️ Donations from US citizens are tax-deductible.
    For European citizens, it depends on the country they reside in.

  • Maker

    We are an Open Collective with full transparency.
    Your name will also be listed on our Open Collective page.


    You can support the truth with one-time donations of €100 or more, or any amount that suits you.

    ✔️ Donations from US citizens are tax-deductible.
    For European citizens, it depends on the country they reside in.


Freely ask us for more information

We will get back as soon as possible.

Contact Us Open Collective
  • What does it mean to be an "Open Collective"?


    Open Collective is a fundraising + legal status + money management platform for grassroots groups like us. It helps raise and spend money with full transparency.

    We operate under the umbrella of Open Collective Europe's fiscal hosting.

  • Are donations tax-deductible?


    Donations from US citizens are tax-deductible. For European citizens, it depends on the country they reside in.

  • Public Charity?


    Our fiscal hosting, Open Collective Europe has been certified as equivalent to Public Charity by NGOsource.

    U.S. funders, including private foundations, can treat a non-U.S. organization as equivalent to a U.S. public charity if the non-U.S. organization goes through the equivalency determination process.

    They also have a Fund in the US that allows US citizens to make tax-deductible donations.

  • Who are the team?


    Our Founder and Executive Creative Director, Taci Yalcin was most recently the Digital Communications Coordinator at Greenpeace, with 10 years of international advertising and communications background.

    We are currently in the team building phase.
    Stay tuned for more.

What They Think About Mis- And Disinformation?

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.”


"The result for misinformation can be seen, for example, in the enduring debate over climate change despite the clearly-settled science that proves it exists.

Cailin O’Connor Professor at the University of California

"False stories have an intrinsic advantage over the truth when it comes to uniting people. Humans prefer power to truth. We spend far more time trying to control the world than trying to understand it."

Yuval Noah Harari Writer

"Deepfakes and misinformation generated by AI could undermine elections and democracy."

Bill Gates

"The biggest risk of AI is not that it will develop a mind of its own, but that it will be used to manipulate people on a massive scale."

Elon Musk

"I’m particularly worried that these AI models could be used for large-scale disinformation."

Sam Altman CEO of OPEN AI